What about the photo?

Young journalists club

News ID: 1887
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:29 - 15 August 2013
Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker made quite a show of it, a photo of his colleague at the age of 14, but the question is “what about it?”

Mohammad Bozorgvari is a clergyman and a member of the Majlis of the Islamic Republic of Iran. On Monday he spoke as a con against one of Rouhani's designate ministers. It was not long after that the Lahijan representative started his tour around the court, showing a portrait of the 14 year old Bozorgvari to everyone he could find, trying to make it a laughingstock. Bozorgvari had taken the photo for his grade 6 school entrance profile.

The present Bozorgzadeh

Bozorgzadeh, 14

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