Cry translator unveiled in Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 4536
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:14 - 03 July 2014
Tehran, YJC. Biloop’s baby cry translator was introduced into Iran with an unveiling ceremony on Tuesday.

On Tuesday Biloop introduced its digital baby cry translator into Iran with an unveiling ceremony, Tasnim news agency reports.

The Happy Baby Iran project manager Alikhani stated "As we know babies use their cries as a means to communicate with their parents and express their needs. Besides all the sweetness that is there with a child, the cries often worry a lot of parents.”

He added "Based on that, Spain’s Biloop has after years of research by scientists and experts designed and produced a device that can translate baby cries. It can also play a special sound for babies which is able to calm the baby. The device can play the sounds that the baby hears before s/he is born, that is sound it hears while in the womb.”

He added that an Iranian company has signed contract to distribute the product in Iran’s market as a Biloop franchise. 

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