France in contact with China over warship's Taiwan Strait passage

Young journalists club

News ID: 38441
Publish Date: 16:22 - 25 April 2019
TEHRAN, Apr 25 - France is in contact with Chinese authorities after a French warship passed through the Taiwan Strait earlier this month, a source close to French Defense Minister Florence Parly told Reuters on Thursday.

France in contact with China over warship's Taiwan Strait passageTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - China's Defense Ministry said earlier that Beijing lodged stern representations with France about the passage, which comes as the United states and its allies increasingly assert freedom of navigation in international waterways near China.

"The (French) Navy transits through the Taiwan Strait on average once a year without incident or reaction. France reaffirms its attachment to freedom of navigation in line with international maritime law," the source said.

Source: Reuters

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