Clergy member: Hashemi’s electoral action was no power-seeking

Young journalists club

News ID: 1167
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:52 - 23 May 2013
Tehran, YJC. The Guardian Jurist’s delegate to Varamin country says that Hashemi’s disqualification has stemmed from good intentions, Hashemi anyway lacking the ability to govern the country.

Ayatollah Morteza Mahmoudi Golpaigani said "Today the country faces a lot of domestic and international problems. Therefore the future President, despite the Revolution’s wolfish enemies, must gird his loins and work day and night.”

He pointed to Hashemi’s services during the Revolution and after. He considered the ex-President’s disqualification due to his age, saying "This disqualification is in expediency. I believe that they barred him because of his old age. After all one who wants to be the President he must also enjoy bodily strength. For instance, if I up and decide to become President it is evident that I wont be able to. The Guardian Council’s opinion has to have been well-intended.”

He also said that Hashemi’s intentions for entering the scene have been based on a sense of duty under the country’s current circumstances and not greed.

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