Iran ready to reconstruct Syria: Velayati

Young journalists club

News ID: 15401
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:34 - 08 November 2017
TEHRAN, November 8 - Islamic Revolution Leader’s adviser on international affairs says with the liberation of Aleppo city of Syria, Iran is ready to contribute the reconstruction of Syria.

Iran ready to reconstruct Syria: Velayati

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Visiting Aleppo in a one-day tour, Ali Akbar Velayati met with the city’s governor and said “the enemies imagined that they could occupy Syria within seven days, but now seven years passes from their conspiracy against Syria with their suffering flagrant defeat.

He then referred to the terrorists’ proxy wars in Syria and their subsequent damages to Aleppo as well as other cities of the country and noted “yet, the significant achievement of it was the manifestation of the will and determination of the city’s people in resisting against the armed terrorists and their supports”.

Normal life in Aleppo, he added, ruined the terrorists and their supporters’ conspiracy to violate Syria’s independency and territorial integrity.

“Our presence [in the city] is a message to all which indicates the resettlement of peace and security in the city and now Islamic Iran is ready to stand by the Syrian nation and government in the reconstruction era”, Velayati said.

Hussein Diab also for his part referred to the defeat of the terrorists in occupying Aleppo and destroying the city of history and a center of Syria’s economy, saying that the humiliated terrorists failed in their invasion and Aleppo remained a symbol of independence and sovereignty of Syria.

Diab praised Iranian advisory aids to the Syrian army forces and stressed that the Syrians particularly Aleppo people will keep in their memories the Islamic Revolution Leader’s wise guidance and the Iranian youth’s sacrifices.


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