Resolution on Syria ceasefire unanimously adopted by UN Security Council

Young journalists club

News ID: 19816
Publish Date: 9:02 - 25 February 2018
TEHRAN, February 25 - The UN Security Council has unanimously adopted a resolution proposing a 30-day humanitarian ceasefire in Syria after several days of tense behind-the-scenes negotiations.

TEHRAN,Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The draft version of the resolution was submitted earlier by Sweden and Kuwait.Russia insisted the text needed amendments.

The final resolution has excluded ISIS, Nusra Front, and Al-Qaeda from the one-month ceasefire.

The proposal came amid escalating violence in Eastern Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus, which has seen a new wave of clashes between Syrian government forces and both rebel and terrorist factions, including Nusra Front, currently known as Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham.

The UN Security Council was to vote on the document on Friday, but the 15-member body faced intense diplomatic negotiations, with the Russian delegation seeking amendments to the document.Moscow argued that the initial text was “utopian” as the US-led coalition in Syria does not provide any guarantees that militants controlling the area would observe the ceasefire.

The Russian side has also stressed that the real goal of the document was to pin the blame for the escalation of violence on the Syrian government and potentially prepare the ground for regime change.

Source: IFP

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