Some regional countries against Syrian peace

Young journalists club

News ID: 3051
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 17:53 - 24 December 2013
Tehran, YJC. Egyptian activist says Qatar and Israel favor unrest in Syria.

Amr al-Shal, member of the board of trustees of the Egyptian public movement in interview with Fars said that the Geneva II talks on Syria will be able to produce a good outcome on conditions of full participation from all influential sides and if held without preconditions.

"Placing any precondition by the attending sides can have a negative impact on the solution to the Syrian crisis. Therefore, the sides must attend the conference without any precondition,” he emphasized.

Al-Shal said "Some regional sides, Qatar and the Zionist regime in particular, are not in favor of stability and a political solution to the Syrian crisis.”

"Their real desire is for Syria to be disintegrated, because that would be in line with the interests of the US and Zionists. But the Syrian state’s resistance against the armed groups made its demise something unattainable for them,” he asserted.

Al-Shal stated "Despite disagreements with the Syrian state or Bashar Assad in person, we must not defend the Syrian terrorists, especially seeing that they work toward the realization of the American-Zionist schemes to disrupt the area’s peace.”

He added "Forming a transitional government in Syria seems right now a difficult job, because in that case it would go the same way as that of all the transitional governments in the countries with Arab revolutions. Also, the Muslim Brotherhood, aided by Turkey, Qatar, and the US will try to take over the transitional government, in which case its future will be to be disintegrated in line with American schemes.”

He further said "So, forming a national reconciliation government seems to be the best choice; so that once more, the structure of the Syrian government is rebuilt and the country is rid of terrorism; and that the Syrian Army, which is one of the major regional armies, is saved.”

syria ، crisis ، egypt ، israel ، qatar
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