Tags - Shebab

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Tags - Shebab
WASHINGTON, Dec 27, 2014 (AFP) - The United States "strongly condemns" a Shebab attack that killed three soldiers and a civilian at African Union headquarters in Somalia, the State Department said Friday.
News ID: 5848    Publish Date : 2014/12/27

MOGADISHU, Sept 02, 2014 (AFP) - US military forces launched air strikes against the leader of Somalia's Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab , the government said Tuesday, claiming "casualties" but with no details if the main target was killed.
News ID: 4972    Publish Date : 2014/09/02

US forces struck two militant targets in Africa on Saturday, snatching a top Al-Qaeda suspect from the streets of Tripoli and launching a pre-dawn raid against a Shebab leader's home in Somalia.
News ID: 2318    Publish Date : 2013/10/06