Tags - philips

Young journalists club

Tags - philips
TEHRAN, Jan 29 -The trade war between Washington and Beijing is forcing Dutch health technology company Philips to move “hundreds of millions” of euros worth of production from the United States to China, and vice versa, to avoid punitive tariffs.
News ID: 34734    Publish Date : 2019/01/29

Dutch electrical goods giant Philips on Monday announced a major acquisition in Saudi Arabia as it seeks to bolster its position in one of the major economies of the region.
News ID: 3730    Publish Date : 2014/03/17

Political cartoonist, columnist and writer Ted Rall discusses Hollywood's post-9/11 trend as a US anti-terrorism weapon, materialized in the recent feature "Captain Philips".
News ID: 2755    Publish Date : 2013/11/23