Tags - proximity

Young journalists club

Tags - proximity
Tehran, YJC. The Most Reverend Theodore E. McCarrick, the archbishop of Newark, New Jersey has said that if there should be unity among followers of different religions, they must have face-to-face talks.
News ID: 5831    Publish Date : 2014/12/24

Tehran, YJC. The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools is going to launch a community of Sunni and Shiite Sayyids.
News ID: 4247    Publish Date : 2014/05/26

TEHRAN, YJC. International guests attending the 27th Conference on the Proximity of Islamic Schools met the Supreme Leader on Friday.
News ID: 3254    Publish Date : 2014/01/20

TEHRAN, YJC. The Islamic proximity Conference was inaugurated with president Rouhani on Friday.
News ID: 3238    Publish Date : 2014/01/18

Tehran, YJC. Ayatollah urges Muslims to ward off Wahhabists and Takfiries for having abandoned Islam.
News ID: 3231    Publish Date : 2014/01/16

Tehran, YJC. Noori Hamedani has said the West cannot pretend advocacy for human rights.
News ID: 3225    Publish Date : 2014/01/16

Tehran, YJC. The 27the conference on Islamic unity will host participants from 50 countries.
News ID: 3148    Publish Date : 2014/01/06