Tags - jcpoa

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Tags - jcpoa
Sunday, 12 December 2021 (YJC)_Iranian top negotiator announced that the deal that was signed between Iran and the world powers in 2015 is the basis of the current Vienna talks.
News ID: 55003    Publish Date : 2021/12/12

Saturday, 11 December 2021 (YJC)_ A source close to Iran’s negotiating team in Vienna talks rejected the recent Reuters report about Iranian team accepting the texts of the previous rounds.
News ID: 54991    Publish Date : 2021/12/11

Saturday, 11 December 2021 (YJC)_Iranian top negotiator referred to the false reports about Vienna talks and said the nuclear deal is alive because of Iran's responsible conduct.
News ID: 54988    Publish Date : 2021/12/11

Saturday, 11 December 2021 (YJC)_Iranian President referred to Vienna talks and said a good agreement will be reached if sanctions are removed.
News ID: 54987    Publish Date : 2021/12/11

Saturday, 11 December 2021 (YJC)_ Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister stressed the determination of all parties to the agreement to maintain the agreement.
News ID: 54985    Publish Date : 2021/12/11

Saturday, 11 December 2021 (YJC)_ Referring to his meeting with the Austrian Foreign Minister and stating that Iran's responsible behavior has kept the JCPOA alive, the Deputy Foreign Minister wrote in a tweet: "Creating a false atmosphere outside the negotiation room does not disrupt the seriousness of the negotiators."
News ID: 54978    Publish Date : 2021/12/11

Friday, 10 December 2021 (YJC)_ A member of the Iranian negotiating team has rejected the claim that the country revised its negotiating stance at the last session to save the Vienna talks.
News ID: 54975    Publish Date : 2021/12/10

Friday, 10 December 2021 (YJC)_ Tehran’s temporary Friday Prayer leader said that the country is the most powerful country in the region and no country dares to attack it.
News ID: 54972    Publish Date : 2021/12/10

Thursday, 9 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Iranian Foreign Minister said that the Iranian team will be in Vienna up until they reach an agreement.
News ID: 54959    Publish Date : 2021/12/09

Thursday, 9 December 2021 (YJC)_Ali Bagheri Kani praised Beijing's support for lifting the US cruel sanctions against Iran.
News ID: 54958    Publish Date : 2021/12/09

Thursday, 9 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Iranian top negotiator announced the country is determined to reach a good agreement that secures the Iranian nation's rights.
News ID: 54956    Publish Date : 2021/12/09

Thursday, 9 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Iranian chief negotiator arrived in Vienna, Austria, at the head of a delegation.
News ID: 54949    Publish Date : 2021/12/09

Thursday, 9 December 2021 (YJC)_ Zionist regime seeks to hold joint anti-Iranian exercises over the Mediterranean with the United States, continuing efforts to obstruct the Vienna talks.
News ID: 54948    Publish Date : 2021/12/09

Thursday, 9 December 2021 (YJC)_ Russia's envoy to the Vienna talks said that many differences remained in the talks, but stressed that professional cooperation had been established between the parties to the Vienna talks, including with the United States.
News ID: 54947    Publish Date : 2021/12/09

Thursday, 9 December 2021 (YJC)_ The EU foreign policy chief said in a telephone call with the Iranian foreign minister that he had stressed the need to move faster in the Vienna talks.
News ID: 54945    Publish Date : 2021/12/09

Wednesday, 8 December 2021 (YJC)_ Iranian Foreign Minister said the US should remove all sanctions against Iran.
News ID: 54937    Publish Date : 2021/12/08

Wednesday, 8 December 2021 (YJC)_ Russia's representative to international organizations in Vienna, Austria, announced that informal meetings on the lifting of US sanctions against Iran have begun in Vienna, Austria.
News ID: 54932    Publish Date : 2021/12/08

Wednesday, 8 December 2021 (YJC)_ The US Secretary of State said in an interview on Tuesday that Washington's withdrawal from the JCPOA was a big mistake.
News ID: 54930    Publish Date : 2021/12/08

Tuesday, 7 December 2021 (YJC)_ The Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister discussed the latest development over Vienna talks with his Russian counterpart.
News ID: 54927    Publish Date : 2021/12/07

Tuesday, 7 December 2021 (YJC)_ Emphasizing that Iran has a definite right to determine its position, the Russian representative to the Vienna-based international organizations said that the Islamic Republic was looking for a comprehensive, not temporary, solution.
News ID: 54915    Publish Date : 2021/12/07