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Tags - iraq
TEHRAN, Nov 1_Iraq’s top Shia cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has urged the end of bloodshed and warned of civil war and chaos in the Arab country after dozens of deaths during the recent wave of protest rallies across Iraq.
News ID: 44107    Publish Date : 2019/11/01

TEHRAN, Nov 1_The embassies of the US and UK in Baghdad are taking advantage of Iraq’s poor economic conditions following the defeat of Daesh by “deliberately stirring up trouble” in the Arab country.
News ID: 44103    Publish Date : 2019/11/01

TEHRAN, oct 30_The Iraqi capital Baghdad has become the scene of the largest rally since a second wave of anti-government demonstrations began in several cities last week.
News ID: 44083    Publish Date : 2019/10/30

Al-Nujaba Islamic Resistance:
TEHRAN, oct 29_Al-Nujaba Movement, issuing a statement, accused the US of creating corruption and provoking unrest in Iraq and asked protesters to follow the recommendations provided by the sources of emulation and prevent the abuses of the remnants of Baath party and American occupiers.
News ID: 44072    Publish Date : 2019/10/29

TEHRAN, oct 27_Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi says Tehran is closely watching the recent developments in neighboring Iraq, where scores of people have been killed or injured in clashes between security forces and protesters.
News ID: 44062    Publish Date : 2019/10/27

TEHRAN, oct 20_US Defense Secretary Mark Esper says all of the American troops pulling out of northeastern Syria will move to western Iraq.
News ID: 43994    Publish Date : 2019/10/20

TEHRAN, oct 8_The United States is responsible for the current economic shortcomings that affect Iraqi people’s daily lives, says an American analyst, noting that Washington staged the September 11, 2001 attacks to invade Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries that played as counter-balance to Israel.
News ID: 43882    Publish Date : 2019/10/08

TEHRAN, oct 8_Iraq’s President Barham Salih has condemned as “unacceptable’’ the recent acts of violence targeting protesters, journalists and security forces amid a spate of unrest gripping the Arab country, warning against foreign attempts to fish in troubled waters.
News ID: 43881    Publish Date : 2019/10/08

TEHRAN, oct 7_Iraqi officials say there are "malicious hands" behind the killing of both protesters and security forces during the recent spate of unrest in Baghdad and some other cities.
News ID: 43879    Publish Date : 2019/10/07

TEHRAN, oct 5_ Tehran's Provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani said the enemies have created the recent unrest in Iraq to disrupt the upcoming Arbaeen marches planned to be staged there later this month.
News ID: 43865    Publish Date : 2019/10/05

TEHRAN, Sept 22-Iran has exported some $3.9 billion worth of goods and services to neighboring Iraq in the first five months of the current Iranian year which started on March 21, which marks a 13% increase, an official said Sunday.
News ID: 43747    Publish Date : 2019/09/22

TEHRAN, Sept 01 - The flag of Imam Hossein’s (PBUH) Holy Shrine, in Karbala of Iraq, was changed during a ceremony with thousands of the Imam’s lovers attended.
News ID: 43442    Publish Date : 2019/09/01

TEHRAN, August 29 -Iraq has lashed out at Bahrain for backing recent Israeli attacks on Arab countries, defending sacrifices made by a pro-government military force to counter terrorists.
News ID: 43401    Publish Date : 2019/08/29

TEHRAN, August 26-A senior source active in Iran’s trade with Iraq says the Arab country is to deposit several billions of US dollars in an account in an Iraqi bank to pay for imports of energy from Tehran as well as for other debts.
News ID: 43342    Publish Date : 2019/08/26

TEHRAN, August 19 - Iraq’s Minister of Interior Yassin al-Yasiri expressed his country’s willingness to benefit from the Iranian Police’s experience in ensuring security.
News ID: 43211    Publish Date : 2019/08/19

TEHRAN, August 18 - The interior ministers of Iran and Iraq signed an agreement to implement plans to facilitate the Arbaeen pilgrimage to Iraq, including one on reopening the Khosravi border crossing.
News ID: 43165    Publish Date : 2019/08/18

TEHRAN, August 12 - The Pentagon has identified an American Marine killed in Iraq’s northern Nineveh province over the weekend.
News ID: 42943    Publish Date : 2019/08/12

TEHRAN, August 11 -The US military has announced the killing of one of its soldiers in Iraq’s northern Nineveh province during what it describes as a combat mission along with Iraqi security forces, without elaborating on the circumstances.
News ID: 42897    Publish Date : 2019/08/11

TEHRAN, August 5 - Members of the pro-government Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), known in Arabic as Hashd al-Sha'abi, have managed to cleanse more than a dozen villages in the southern part of the country’s province of Nineveh during the third phase of a major offensive to hunt down remnants of the Daesh terrorist group.
News ID: 42751    Publish Date : 2019/08/05

TEHRAN, Jul 7 - An Iraqi official says thousands of members of the Izadi minority remain unaccounted for ever since Daesh militants overran their hometowns in the northern part of the country in 2014.
News ID: 42702    Publish Date : 2019/08/04