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Tags - british
TEHRAN, September 04 -British finance minister Philip Hammond will set out the timing for his next budget in “the usual way”, a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said on Tuesday after a newspaper reported that his fiscal statement would come early.
News ID: 28384    Publish Date : 2018/09/04

TEHRAN, August 24 -Britain’s leading tour operator Thomas Cook has decided to evacuate all 301 of its customers from a hotel in Egypt’s Red Sea tourist town of Hurghada as a precautionary measure after two of its holidaymakers died in unexplained circumstances.
News ID: 27858    Publish Date : 2018/08/24

TEHRAN, August 21 -The top British diplomat has sought to defend US President Donald Trump against the criticisms surrounding him as London struggles to cement an alliance with Washington at a time of increased uncertainty about Brexit.
News ID: 27746    Publish Date : 2018/08/21

TEHRAN, August 20 -A British woman fell off the back of a cruise ship 60 miles off the coast of Croatia and survived 10 hours at sea until she was rescued Sunday morning.
News ID: 27668    Publish Date : 2018/08/20

TEHRAN, August 12 -Former British foreign minister Boris Johnson returned from his summer holiday to face both criticism and support over his remarks about burqas, amid deepening divisions in Britain’s ruling Conservative Party on Sunday.
News ID: 27291    Publish Date : 2018/08/12

TEHRAN, August 2 -A court in Britain has ruled that all marriages conducted under the Islamic laws, or the sharia, could be recognized as a legal marriage as they fall under British matrimonial law.
News ID: 26866    Publish Date : 2018/08/02

TEHRAN, July 31 - A decline in moral standards caused by British politicians, media and education system has led to a sharp rise in hate crimes across the UK, says a Muslim pundit in the UK.
News ID: 26753    Publish Date : 2018/07/31

TEHRAN, July 24 -British Prime Minister Theresa May has announced that from now on she will personally lead negotiations with the European Union on how the country should be separated from the bloc.
News ID: 26445    Publish Date : 2018/07/24

TEHRAN, July 18 -British Prime Minister Theresa May narrowly survived another crunch Brexit vote in parliament Tuesday, as she struggles to unify her divided party around her strategy for leaving the European Union.
News ID: 26162    Publish Date : 2018/07/18

TEHRAN, July 14 -British counter-terrorism police said on Friday they believed they had found the source of the Novichok nerve agent that killed a woman in southwest England and left her partner critically ill in hospital.
News ID: 25912    Publish Date : 2018/07/14

TEHRAN, July 13 - A blimp depicting Donald Trump as an orange, snarling nappy-wearing baby flew outside the British parliament in London on Friday, launched by critics of the U.S. president who are demonstrating throughout his visit to the country.
News ID: 25902    Publish Date : 2018/07/13

TEHRAN, July 04 - A British lesbian won the right to live and work in Hong Kong with her partner in a landmark decision Wednesday by the top court in the city, where same-sex unions are not recognised.
News ID: 25424    Publish Date : 2018/07/04

TEHRAN, July 02 -A British warplane directly attacked Syrian forces near the border with Iraq and Jordan last month, killing an army officer and injuring seven others, the Sunday Times daily has reported.
News ID: 25323    Publish Date : 2018/07/02

TEHRAN, June 11 -Former British prime minister Gordon Brown has said Theresa May could be ousted if the government loses a key vote this week on its Brexit legislation, saying it could determine the premier’s future.
News ID: 24219    Publish Date : 2018/06/11

TEHRAN, June 05-The British government will give its verdict on Rupert Murdoch’s pursuit of European pay-TV group Sky (SKYB.L) later on Tuesday,Sky News said.
News ID: 23878    Publish Date : 2018/06/05

TEHRAN, April 11 -British manufacturing output fell unexpectedly in February, its first drop in almost a year, according to official figures that added to signs the economy may have slowed in the first quarter.
News ID: 21567    Publish Date : 2018/04/11

TEHRAN, April 10 - Yulia Skripal, who along with her father, an ex-Russian spy, was poisoned with a nerve agent in Britain last month, is being discharged from hospital on Tuesday, Sky News reported.
News ID: 21521    Publish Date : 2018/04/10

TEHRAN, April 03 - British manufacturer De La Rue Plc (DLAR.L) said it will challenge a decision by Britain to award a contract to print the post-Brexit blue passports to a European company.
News ID: 21203    Publish Date : 2018/04/03

TEHRAN, March 31 - A plane by Russia's Aeroflot has been searched by British authorities at London Heathrow airport who gave no reason for the examination. Russia’s Foreign Ministry called it "provocation" as international rules were breached.
News ID: 21094    Publish Date : 2018/03/31

TEHRAN, March 24 - Egyptian authorities arrested a British journalist and expelled her as part of an escalating crackdown on media ahead of this month's presidential elections.
News ID: 20953    Publish Date : 2018/03/24