Tags - fasting

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Tags - fasting
TEHRAN, May 14 - The photos below are showing the fasting month of Ramadan in Muslim countries.
News ID: 39335    Publish Date : 2019/05/14

TEHRAN, May 06 - Ramadan is just around the corner and Muslims in Indian-controlled Kashmir are preparing for the fasting month.
News ID: 38919    Publish Date : 2019/05/06

TEHRAN, Apr 30 - Passengers will be allowed to eat and drink inside MRT trains in the Indonesian capital during Ramadan when breaking their fast, an official said.
News ID: 38668    Publish Date : 2019/04/30

TEHRAN, May 22 - Photos of holy fasting month of Ramadan across the world are shown below.
News ID: 23227    Publish Date : 2018/05/22

TEHRAN, June 25, YJC - Iranian First Vice President Esha’aq Jahangiri congratulated his Muslim counterparts across the world over Eid al-Fitr.
News ID: 10688    Publish Date : 2017/06/25

TEHRAN, YJC. A spin around town at sunset will give you scenes like this in Ramadan where people grasp the most immediate occasion to break their fast.
News ID: 4592    Publish Date : 2014/07/10

Tehran, YJC. Shahdad is the hottest place on earth with a temperature of 70° C, yet there are people there who fast Ramadan.
News ID: 4557    Publish Date : 2014/07/06

TEHRAN, YJC. Breaking the fast, which Muslims observe during the month of Ramadan, has grown into a rite in the Iranian culture with certain kinds of food frequently used. Here are photos of people breaking their fast whether at home with family or at work with colleagues or wherever they have been able to spread their cloth and arrange their meal.
News ID: 4540    Publish Date : 2014/07/03

Tehran, YJC. Ramadan is held dear in Islamic societies almost as much as a celebration or “Eid”. A whole gamut of happy and sad happenings mark its different days.
News ID: 1601    Publish Date : 2013/07/10