Tags - zuckerberg

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Tags - zuckerberg
TEHRAN, Apr 13 - Facebook Inc more than doubled the money it spent on Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg’s security in 2018 to $22.6 million, a regulatory filing showed on Friday.
News ID: 37796    Publish Date : 2019/04/13

TEHRAN, Mar30-Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has asked governments and regulators to tighten the screws on digital companies such as his own, and slap them with sanctions if they refuse to abide by rules on privacy, political or harmful content.
News ID: 37269    Publish Date : 2019/03/31

TEHRAN, May 22 - Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg faces senior European Union lawmakers later Tuesday to answer questions about a scandal over the alleged misuse of the data of millions of Facebook users.
News ID: 23237    Publish Date : 2018/05/22

TEHRAN, April 11 -Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg returns to Capitol Hill on Wednesday for more questioning by lawmakers who have a rare chance to air grievances about the company directly to the head of the world’s largest social media network.
News ID: 21573    Publish Date : 2018/04/11

TEHRAN, April 11 -Facebook Inc Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday navigated through the first of two U.S. congressional hearings without making any further promises to support new legislation or change how the social network does business.
News ID: 21572    Publish Date : 2018/04/11

TEHRAN, March 27 - Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg will not answer questions from British lawmakers over how millions of users’ data got into the hands of political consultancy Cambridge Analytica, according to a letter sent by the social network seen by Reuters.
News ID: 21023    Publish Date : 2018/03/27

TEHRAN, January 20 -Feeling the pressure from Congress to ‘fix’ his social media platform, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has resorted to crowdsourcing the ratings system for “trustworthy” news sources appearing on users’ feeds.
News ID: 18119    Publish Date : 2018/01/20

TEHRAN, December 4 -The twin brothers who successfully sued Mark Zuckerberg, claiming he stole the concept for Facebook are now billionaires after investing their lawsuit winnings in bitcoin. The cryptocurrency surpassed a record high of $11,700 on Sunday.
News ID: 16464    Publish Date : 2017/12/04