Tags - indonesia

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Tags - indonesia
TEHRAN, June 19 - Rescuers searching Tuesday for dozens of people missing after a ferry sank on Indonesia's Lake Toba have found bags, jackets, an ID card and other items in the waters but no new survivors, casting a tragic pall over holidays marking the end of the Muslim holy month.
News ID: 24619    Publish Date : 2018/06/19

TEHRAN, June 16 - A 7-meter-long (23-foot-long) python has swallowed a woman in central Indonesia, a village official said Saturday.
News ID: 24454    Publish Date : 2018/06/16

TEHRAN, June 03 - Indonesian anti-terrorism police have detained a former student and are questioning two others after a raid on a university campus in Pekanbaru, on Sumatra island, where crude bombs and other explosive material were seized, police said.
News ID: 23783    Publish Date : 2018/06/03

TEHRAN, May 30-Indonesia and India pledged on Wednesday to step up defense and maritime cooperation, with plans to develop a strategic Indonesian naval port in the Indian Ocean, the leaders of the two countries said after meeting in Jakarta.
News ID: 23609    Publish Date : 2018/05/30

TEHRAN, May 28 -Indonesia’s central bank will raise its benchmark interest rate for the second time in two weeks at an out-of-cycle policy meeting on Wednesday, according to a Reuters poll.
News ID: 23486    Publish Date : 2018/05/28

TEHRAN, May 22 - Indonesia's most active volcano, Mount Merapi on densely populated Java island, has shown danger signs with a series of small eruptions, and authorities have ordered villagers living on its slopes to leave and hikers to stay clear.
News ID: 23231    Publish Date : 2018/05/22

TEHRAN, May 16 - Daesh claimed responsibility for an attack on Wednesday in Sumatra, Indonesia that killed one policeman and wounded two, the terrorist group's Amaq news agency said.
News ID: 23024    Publish Date : 2018/05/16

TEHRAN, May 13 - Police in Indonesia say a hostage crisis at a high-security prison on the outskirts of the capital, Jakarta, has ended, three days after scores of inmates conducted “an act of terror” against guards in the detention center, killing a number of police personnel.
News ID: 22849    Publish Date : 2018/05/13

TEHRAN, May 11 -Indonesian villagers living in the shadow of one of the world's most active volcanoes fled to safety Friday as Mount Merapi erupted, sending a cascade of ash and smoke some 5,000 meters (16,400 feet) into the sky.
News ID: 22813    Publish Date : 2018/05/11

TEHRAN, May 7 - Indonesia's counter-terrorism squad has arrested three extremists accused of plotting bomb attacks against police using high-explosive materials, an official said Monday.
News ID: 22584    Publish Date : 2018/05/07

TEHRAN, April 25 - The death toll from a blaze at an illegal Indonesian oil well on Wednesday has jumped to 18 with dozens injured, authorities said, warning there could be yet more victims.
News ID: 22126    Publish Date : 2018/04/25

TEHRAN, April 12 -A string of Indonesian regional elections this year followed by a presidential and parliamentary vote in 2019 should not deter foreign investment in Southeast Asia’s biggest economy, President Joko Widodo’s chief of staff told Reuters.
News ID: 21619    Publish Date : 2018/04/12

TEHRAN, April 02 - Indonesia is making it mandatory for Go-Jek and Grab to register as transport companies within two months to ensure they meet safety requirements as a public transport provider, potentially increasing costs and scrutiny of the ride-hailing firms.
News ID: 21162    Publish Date : 2018/04/02

TEHRAN, March 30 -Indonesia will unveil a simplified scheme for tax holidays next week and state oil firm PT Pertamina should be among the first to benefit, government officials said.
News ID: 21072    Publish Date : 2018/03/30

TEHRAN, March 20 - Saudi Arabia beheaded an Indonesian migrant worker for murder despite suspicions that the accused was forced into his confession and repeated pleas by Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo that the man be granted clemency.
News ID: 20819    Publish Date : 2018/03/20

TEHRAN, March 15 - Critics said a new Indonesian law can protect legislators from investigations by the powerful anti-graft commission, triggering anger at what many regard as a grave setback for the world's third largest democracy.
News ID: 20623    Publish Date : 2018/03/15

TEHRAN, March 9 - Indonesian authorities foiled the shipment of 21 containers of prized ironwood from Papua, highlighting what environmentalists say is a rampant illegal trade in the country's easternmost region.
News ID: 20315    Publish Date : 2018/03/09

TEHRAN, February 24 - Iran plans its first ever wheat shipment to Indonesia in a turnaround after years of being a major importer of the strategic staple crop.
News ID: 19792    Publish Date : 2018/02/24

TEHRAN, February 22 - Five people are dead and 18 missing after a landslide Thursday on the Indonesian island of Java engulfed farmers working in their rice paddies.
News ID: 19721    Publish Date : 2018/02/22

TEHRAN, February 22 -At least five people have been killed and 15 are still missing after a landslide cascaded down the terraced slopes of a rice field on the Indonesian island of Java on Thursday, officials said.
News ID: 19706    Publish Date : 2018/02/22