Indian mob kills Muslim teen over ‘carrying beef’

Young journalists club

News ID: 10680
Publish Date: 11:17 - 25 June 2017
TEHRAN, June 25, YJC - Indian police Saturday said one person was arrested after a mob stabbed a Muslim teenager to death on suspicion of carrying beef, an offence in many parts of the Hindu-majority country.

Indian mob kills Muslim teen over ‘carrying beef’

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Cows are revered by Hindus, and slaughtering them as well as the possession or consumption of beef is banned in most Indian states, with some imposing life sentences for breaking the law.

Junaid Khan, 15, was travelling from New Delhi on Friday with three of his brothers when a fight erupted over seats.

Nearly 20 men pulled out knives and set upon the brothers while making anti-Muslim comments and insisting one of the packets they were carrying contained beef. While Khan was stabbed to death, his brother Shakir sustained injuries on the throat, chest, and hands, police said.

Another brother, Hassem, told reporters the mob ignored their repeated pleas that they were not carrying any beef.

The incident is the latest such attack by Hindu vigilantes in India, where there have been a spate of assaults against Muslims and low-caste Dalits.

In the last two years, nearly a dozen Muslim men have been killed across the country on suspicion of eating beef or smuggling cows.

Critics say vigilantes have been emboldened by the election in 2014 of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party.

Last year, Modi criticized the cow protection vigilantes and urged a crackdown against groups using religion as a cover for committing crimes.

Source: Hawzah News Agency

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