Israeli airstrike hits aiding boat at Gaza port

Young journalists club

News ID: 23259
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 8:56 - 23 May 2018
TEHRAN, May 23 - An airstrike launched by the Israeli military has hit a boat that was moored in Gaza City. The vessel was preparing to meet other boats that were trying to sail through Israel's naval blockade of Gaza, locals say.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said they hit "military targets belonging to the Hamas terror organization's naval force," as well as "underground terror infrastructure." On its official Twitteraccount, the IDF claimed it was done in response to a group of people breaking through the Israel-Gaza border and setting a military post on fire.

Gaza residents said the boat that was set on fire by the Israeli attack was due to sail to meet a flotilla on its way to Gaza, Reuters reported.

A number of aid flotillas have attempted to breach the Israeli naval blockade of Gaza in recent years, but the vessels have been stopped, seized or turned back.

In the most notorious case in 2010, Israeli commandos killed nine activists on board the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara.

Source: RT

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