Iranian DM unveils Fakour air-to-air missile launch line

Young journalists club

News ID: 26356
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 12:41 - 23 July 2018
TEHRAN, July 23 - The air-to-air missile launch line "Fakur" was unveiled on Monday morning with the presence of the Minister of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics.

Iranian DM unveils Fakour air-to-air missile launch line

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Despite the sanctions, after the design, manufacture and testing of a successful missile rocket in last spring , it is now launching its production line by using native capabilities and capacities,said Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami.

Referring to the strategy of the Ministry of Defense in intelligent weapons and equipment required by the armed forces, Brigadier General Hatami added,the air-to-air missile has been developed based on operational needs and in cooperation with the Army Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran which improves the capabilities of the Air Force.

Arguing that the use of the missile could be generalized to all hijackers highlighted ,Fokur is a mid-range radar airplane designed and built on the latest technology in the world.

Stating that the missile was fired from combat aircraft said Hatami the missile could be involved with a variety of attacking fighter planes in its operational range.

Welcoming the efforts of the competent and efficient specialists of the Department of Defense Aerospace Industries in designing and producing the missile.Hatami added,Undoubtedly, launching the missile production line based on the research, innovation, development and production approach based on the needs of the Army's Air Force has been considered as an effective step to increase the defense and deterrence capabilities while empowering the armed forces.

arguing that the Islamic Republic of Iran can defend itself , ensure national security and defend its national interests added Hatami that Iran does not obey anyone on this path.

This major achievement of defense has shown that no one No one can hinder the determination of Iranians Iranian people in the field of defense, and as the Supreme leader has said, we will answers to threats at the same level.

Source: Iran Press

iran ، missile ، MoD
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