Saudi Arabia ‘responsible’ for Yemen famine: Activist

Young journalists club

News ID: 29369
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 21:12 - 28 September 2018
TEHRAN, September 28 -Saudi Arabia is responsible for the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen, says an activist, adding that the international community must take concrete action to stop the Saudi blockade on the impoverished Arab nation.

Saudi Arabia ‘responsible’ for Yemen famine: ActivistTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The comments came after the chief of UN's food agency raised alert over Yemen's deteriorating hunger crisis at the UN General Assembly in New York City on Thursday.

The World Food Programme (WFP) warned that Yemen is on the brink of a full-blown famine, where 18 million of its 29 million population is suffering from food insecurity.

“Actually all what is happening in Yemen, mainly and the only reason is because of the Saudi-led coalition blockade on Yemen and it is really strange for the World Food Programme not to mention or point out who is responsible for this, as they call it the worst humanitarian crisis and they have warned of a full famine in Yemen,” Hussein al-Bukhaiti told Press TV in an interview on Friday.

“I believe that the Saudi-led coalition will not stop their war, their blockade and their crimes against Yemen until the United Nations will take a real step to help Yemenis by directly blaming the Saudi-led coalition or the United Security Council must take a decision or resolution to lift the blockade in Yemen,” he added.

Source: Press TV

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