Devout men to cut off trespasser’s hand

Young journalists club

News ID: 3331
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:08 - 28 January 2014
Tehran, YJC. Ayatollah says Kerry’s statements about Iran are childish and foolish.

Speaking in reaction to the US Secretary of State John Kerry’s recent statements about Iran, ayatollah Hossein Noori Hamedani in a meeting with Defense Ministry officials on Monday said "John Kerry who threatened Iran with military attack must know that before the US engages in military action, the devout men will cut off its hands.”

The grand ayatollah asserted "One of the things that the Quran recommends is to know the enemy and its allies. Today Saudi Arabia and Qatar can be mentioned as aids to the arrogance which under the Takfiri mask have taken lives and possessions and Muslims.”

He further stated that the pagan, hypocrite, and Jew are Muslims’ major enemies, adding "Since the revolution, the enemies of Islam have had no rest and have attempted all sorts of schemes.”

Saying that John Kerry’s statements against Iran in Davos have been childish and foolish, he added "The US Secretary of State threatened Iran with military attack. But let him know that before the US engages in military action, devout men will cut off its hands.”

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