Yemeni combat drone targets ‘important target’ in Saudi Arabia’s Abha airport

Young journalists club

News ID: 48979
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 19:11 - 27 October 2020
Tuesday, 27 October 2020 _Yemeni army forces have launched a fresh airstrike against Abha International Airport in Saudi Arabia’s southern border region of Asir, targeting an “important target” inside the strategic facility.

Yemeni combat drone targets ‘important target’ in Saudi Arabia’s Abha airportThe spokesman for Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, said in a brief statement posted on his official Twitter page that a domestically-manufactured Qasef-2K (Striker-2K) combat drone struck the designated target with great precision on Tuesday morning.

He underlined that retaliatory drone strikes against targets inside Saudi Arabia will continue as long as the Riyadh regime presses ahead with its devastating military campaign and crippling blockade against Yemen.

The air raid was reportedly the fifth of its kind in 48 hours.

On Monday, a Yemeni Qasef-2K unmanned aerial vehicle launched an attack against the same Saudi airport.

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