IRGC Chief: There is no Limit to US to defend Iran’s interests

Young journalists club

News ID: 49330
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 18:27 - 19 November 2020
Thursday, 19 November 2020 (YJC)_ Major General Hossein Salami said there is no limit to the organization to defend Iran’s interests.

IRGC Chief: There is no Limit to US to defend Iran’s interestsOn his remarks in a in a ceremony of joining of Shahid Roudaki ocean-going warship to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy, the Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami said said there is no limit to the organization to defend Iran’s interests.

“Today, Islamic Iran is a manifestation of the unyielding will of a great nation in the face of vast pressures” he said.

He, then, continued to say “when it comes to protecting Iran’s security and vital interests, IRGC would not restrict its activities to a particular geographical region.”

“If anybody seeks to threaten the interests of this great nation and country, they will definitely find no safe spot on Earth,” he warned.

Elsewhere in his remarks he mentioned Iran’s success in playing a unique role in ensuring security in the Persian Gulf, carries strategic importance to the world economy.

Salami also explained the IRGC’s defense strategy that alongside offence tactics, cautioning the enemies that any threat or act of aggression will turn the IRGC into a fully offensive force.

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