Covert topics in Obama’s visit to Israel?

Young journalists club

News ID: 581
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:32 - 24 March 2013
THERAN, YJC. Diplomatic sources say that there are issues besides what Obama and Israeli authorities have publically discussed.
As Western sources mentioned, the trip went around 3 main topics, the Iranian nuclear program, Syria, and Middle East peace. But some sources say there has been more to the trip.

According to the first covert agenda to have been discussed by Obama and Israeli authorities has been the Iranian upcoming elections and the distribution of activities between the US and Israel on cooperating with oppositions inside and outside Iran.

Another point, according to sources inside Iran, must have been the issue of the elections themselves and the riots that may come afterwards. The sources say that as Israel predicts there to be disturbances in the wake of the elections, the US believes that there is no entity strong enough to cause such phenomenon.

The same sources believe that the third topic on Obama’s agenda has been the growing threat of the Salafi and radical Sunni sides in the region and its spread toward the occupied lands.

Sources also say that forming new coalitions and rebuilding the existing ones in the region has been also a hot spot on the list of talks in Israel. Some believe Obama to have asked Netanyahu to accept Erdogan’s apologies on the issue of Mavi Marmara.

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