Tags - hypocritical

Young journalists club

Tags - hypocritical
Tehran 27 April _The United Nations’ poverty expert Philip Alston has attacked the UK government’s coronavirus response as “utterly hypocritical ” after successive administrations implemented policies of austerity and public-sector cuts.
News ID: 45863    Publish Date : 2020/04/27

Tehran 29 February _Iran has dismissed a " hypocritical " claim made by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo about making an offer to Tehran to help the Islamic Republic fight the new coronavirus, saying such remarks pursue political purposes and aim to distract the world public opinion.
News ID: 45314    Publish Date : 2020/02/29

TEHRAN, June 20 -Washington has decided to walk out of the UN Human Rights Council, accusing the body of hypocrisy. The US has long cited concerns about the body’s “anti-Israel bias.”
News ID: 24670    Publish Date : 2018/06/20