Tags - idlib

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Tags - idlib
TEHRAN, August 19 - A Turkish convoy carrying munitions have entered northwest Syria to help Takfiri militants who are losing territory amid a government advance.
News ID: 43226    Publish Date : 2019/08/19

TEHRAN, August 18 -Syrian government forces, backed by fighters from allied popular defense groups, have gained more ground against Takfiri militants in the southern edge of the country’s northwestern province of Idlib in their latest offensive that was launched last week.
News ID: 43179    Publish Date : 2019/08/18

TEHRAN, August 17- France has joined a pressure campaign on Syria to prevent the liberation of northwestern Idlib Province, the last terrorist stronghold in the Arab country, as the army edges closer to final victory over the Takfiri terrorist groups.
News ID: 43149    Publish Date : 2019/08/17

TEHRAN, Aug 02 -Moscow has welcomed a decision by the Syrian government to establish a ceasefire in Idlib if the Sochi agreements are adhered to, Russia’s special envoy for Syria Aleksandr Lavrentyev has said.
News ID: 42651    Publish Date : 2019/08/02

TEHRAN, Jul 18 - Russia has strongly dismissed allegations by militant groups that Russian special forces or ground troops are fighting for the liberation of Idlib province in northwest Syria.
News ID: 42134    Publish Date : 2019/07/18

TEHRAN, May 20 - Russia says Syrian government forces have suspended their operations against foreign-backed Takfiri militants in the northwestern province of Idlib as part of a “unilateral” ceasefire.
News ID: 39583    Publish Date : 2019/05/20

TEHRAN, May 18 - Iran’s Ambassador to the UN Majid Takht-e Ravanchi has warned that continued terrorist presence in the Syrian territory is endangering civilian lives.
News ID: 39497    Publish Date : 2019/05/18

TEHRAN, May 09 - The Syrian army has regained control of a strategic town from Takfiri terrorists in the country's northwest, media reports and local residents say.
News ID: 39093    Publish Date : 2019/05/09

TEHRAN, May 05 -Syrian military forces are continuing to target terrorist hideouts in northwestern Syria where the government has been restraining its offensives based on a de-escalation agreement signed and monitored by international powers.
News ID: 38840    Publish Date : 2019/05/05

TEHRAN, Apr 08 -The Syrian government forces have carried out major operations against terrorists in the north and west of the country in response to the militants’ breaches of the de-escalation zone agreement
News ID: 37568    Publish Date : 2019/04/08

TEHRAN, Feb 24 - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said "significant progress" has been made in Turkey's ongoing talks with Iran and Russia to secure Syria's northwestern province of Idlib.
News ID: 35878    Publish Date : 2019/02/24

TEHRAN, October 17 - The Kremlin says a deal brokered by Russia and Turkey, which aims to create a demilitarized zone in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib and has so far held off a government offensive on the last major terrorist stronghold in the country, was going ahead, despite foreign-sponsored militants failing to leave the zone the day before.
News ID: 30310    Publish Date : 2018/10/17

TEHRAN, October 15 -Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Muallem says the next target after the liberation of Idlib is to retake the area east of the Euphrates, which is held by US-backed Kurdish militants.
News ID: 30226    Publish Date : 2018/10/15

TEHRAN, October 14 -Terrorists have reportedly fired mortar shells from a planned buffer zone in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib, killing two Syrian soldiers.
News ID: 30174    Publish Date : 2018/10/14

TEHRAN, October 07 - Turkey deployed a number of its military officers to Syria’s northern province of Idlib to disarm the remaining terrorist groups under an agreement with Russia, but the mission failed after the militants refused to drop weapons and attacked the Turkish forces.
News ID: 29856    Publish Date : 2018/10/07

TEHRAN, September 30 - The first militant group has begun withdrawing its members and heavy arms from a recently-declared buffer zone in Syria's Idlib Province, a UK-based monitoring group says.
News ID: 29461    Publish Date : 2018/09/30

TEHRAN, September 25 - Turkish military vehicles have entered Idlib after militants snubbed an agreement between Turkey and Russia for the creation of a buffer zone in the northwestern Syrian province, the last major militant stronghold in the Arab country.
News ID: 29237    Publish Date : 2018/09/25

TEHRAN, September 22 - Russia and Turkey have reached a consensus on borders of a demilitarized zone in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, which is the last major stronghold of anti-Damascus militants, in an attempt to avert a possible full-scale offensive by the Syrian government against terrorists in the militant-held region.
News ID: 29114    Publish Date : 2018/09/22

TEHRAN, September 12 - Russian Deputy Foreign Minister stressed that there is no other way to peace in Syria other than eradicating all terrorist enclaves in northwestern city of Idlib.
News ID: 28698    Publish Date : 2018/09/12

TEHRAN, September 11 - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned against what he called “the security and humanitarian risks” of an upcoming Syrian army operation to liberate Idlib Province, which holds the largest concentration of militant groups, including those backed by Ankara.
News ID: 28669    Publish Date : 2018/09/11