Tags - bahrain

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Tags - bahrain
TEHRAN, April 23 - A Bahraini court has postponed the trial of prominent opposition figure and pro-democracy campaigner Nabeel Rajab, who has been kept behind bars over his criticism of the ruling Al Khalifah regime and the Wahhabi ideology, until May 8.
News ID: 22049    Publish Date : 2018/04/23

TEHRAN, April 18 - A court in Bahrain has sentenced 32 anti-regime activists to jail over their alleged role in an attack on a police station in the capital more than a year ago.
News ID: 21867    Publish Date : 2018/04/18

TEHRAN, April 12 - Amnesty International has expressed grave concern over pronunciation of death sentences and resumption of executions in Bahrain as the ruling Al Khalifah regime presses ahead with its heavy-handed crackdown on pro-democracy campaigners in the country.
News ID: 21643    Publish Date : 2018/04/12

TEHRAN, April 07 - Bahraini forces have clashed with people protesting against the 2018 Bahrain Grand Prix, a Formula One motor race, as the Manama regime continues its heavy-handed crackdown on peaceful pro-democracy rallies.
News ID: 21391    Publish Date : 2018/04/07

TEHRAN, March 28 - Qatar accused a Bahrain war plane of violating its airspace and has reported the breach to the U.N. Security Council, the state news agency QNA reported on Wednesday.
News ID: 21036    Publish Date : 2018/03/28

TEHRAN, March 24 - Bahraini people have once again taken to the streets in the kingdom to slam the deaths of political activists at the hands of the Manama regime’s forces.
News ID: 20956    Publish Date : 2018/03/24

TEHRAN, March 16 - Amnesty International has confirmed that two Bahraini political dissidents have been subjected to various forms of torture in jail as the kingdom’s ruling Al Khalifah dynasty presses ahead with its heavy-handed clampdown on pro-democracy campaigners in the tiny Persian Gulf country.
News ID: 20670    Publish Date : 2018/03/16

TEHRAN, March 10 - Bahraini people have held a protest to condemn the ruling Al Khalifah regime’s heavy-handed crackdown on political dissidents.
News ID: 20373    Publish Date : 2018/03/10

TEHRAN, March 6 - Bahraini authorities have refused to grant the daughter of prominent Shia and opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman full citizenship as the ruling Al Khalifah regime does not shy away from its heavy-handed clampdown on political dissidents and pro-democracy campaigners in the tiny Persian Gulf kingdom.
News ID: 20231    Publish Date : 2018/03/06

TEHRAN, March 4 - Iran rejected as "baseless and repetitive" Bahraini government’s claim that the Persian Gulf kingdom has arrested a 116-member terrorist cell with links to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).
News ID: 20147    Publish Date : 2018/03/04

TEHRAN, February 20 - Hundreds of Bahrainis have staged anti-regime protests across the Persian Gulf kingdom against the Al Khalifah regime’s crackdown on dissent.
News ID: 19635    Publish Date : 2018/02/20

TEHRAN, February 14 - Seven years ago on this day, the Persian Gulf monarchy of Bahrain witnessed the birth of a popular uprising that has continued uninterrupted until now.
News ID: 19360    Publish Date : 2018/02/14

TEHRAN, February 14 - On the anniversary of February 14 Bahrain's uprising, Al Khalifa regime forces suppressed Bahraini demonstrators and demolished public properties.
News ID: 19325    Publish Date : 2018/02/14

TEHRAN, February 8 - Iran categorically rejected Bahrain’s ‘unfounded claims’ on a bomb attack on an oil pipeline.
News ID: 19029    Publish Date : 2018/02/08

TEHRAN, January 29 - A court in Bahrain upholds a one-year jail term for prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Isa Qassim, who has been stripped of his nationality by the Al Khalifah regime and confirms the decision to revoke the cleric's citizenship.
News ID: 18543    Publish Date : 2018/01/29

TEHRAN, January 27 -Human rights in Bahrain have deteriorated significantly in the past year because international pressure on the Gulf Arab kingdom has weakened, activists said on Thursday.
News ID: 18446    Publish Date : 2018/01/27

TEHRAN, January 11 - Bahraini regime officials have sentenced a Shia clergyman to one year in prison over his support for prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Isa Qassim, who has been stripped of citizenship by the Al Khalifah regime and is suffering from deteriorating health.
News ID: 17809    Publish Date : 2018/01/11

TEHRAN, January 8 - Bahraini people walked out last night an in a rally condemned the arrest of Sheikh Mahmoud al-Ali, the country’s senior cleric.
News ID: 17659    Publish Date : 2018/01/08

TEHRAN, December 29 - A political commentator based in London denounced the Bahraini regime’s recent move to issue death sentences against six dissidents in a military court and said the courts’ adherence to “international human rights law is questionable at best”.
News ID: 17315    Publish Date : 2017/12/29

TEHRAN, December 25 - A court in Bahrain has sentenced six anti-regime protesters to death and revoked their citizenship as the ruling Al Khalifah regime presses ahead with its heavy-handed clampdown on political dissidents and pro-democracy campaigners in the Persian Gulf kingdom.
News ID: 17190    Publish Date : 2017/12/25