Tags - hurricane harvey

Young journalists club

Tags - hurricane harvey
TEHRAN, September 4 - As floodwaters in Houston recede, residents returning to their homes are finding reptilian neighbors have set up camp in unexpected places
News ID: 12674    Publish Date : 2017/09/04

TEHRAN, September 4 - Up to $180 billion is needed for the relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, which recently hit the United States’ Gulf region, says the Texas governor.
News ID: 12669    Publish Date : 2017/09/04

TEHRAN, September 2 - A writer who has known Donald Trump for three decades believes there is “no way” the US president will follow through on his pledge to donate $1 million of his own personal fortune to Hurricane Harvey victims.
News ID: 12625    Publish Date : 2017/09/02

TEHRAN, August 30- In this photo report, we are taking a look at damages caused by Harvey Hurricane in Texas, US.
News ID: 12558    Publish Date : 2017/08/30

TEHRAN, August 27 - Good luck to everybody: Trump
News ID: 12438    Publish Date : 2017/08/27

TEHRAN, August 27 - Harvey, Now a Tropical Storm, Carves a Path of Destruction Through Texas
News ID: 12434    Publish Date : 2017/08/27