Tags - tankers

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Tags - tankers
Saturday, 27 March 2021_The Suez Canal stepped up efforts on Friday to free a stuck mega vessel, after an earlier attempt failed to end a blockage that has lifted shipping rates for fuel tankers and scrambled global supply chains for everything from grains to baby clothes.
News ID: 51167    Publish Date : 2021/03/27

Monday, 08 February 2021_Israel’s security cabinet has approved a major arms deal worth billions of dollars with the United States to receive new fighter jets, refueling planes and heavy-lift helicopters.
News ID: 50520    Publish Date : 2021/02/08

Sunday, 16 August 2020_Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the United States has cooked up a story about the seizure of four tankers carrying Iranian gasoline bound for Venezuela after suffering an embarrassing diplomatic defeat at the United Nations Security Council which on Friday rejected its proposal to extend an arms embargo on Iran.
News ID: 47450    Publish Date : 2020/08/16

TEHRAN, 29 May_The US has threatened to impose sanctions against two tankers carrying Iranian gasoline to fuel-starved Venezuela, a Wall Street Journal report says.
News ID: 46272    Publish Date : 2020/05/29

Tehran May, 21_Venezuela's military will escort Iranian tankers delivering fuel to the gasoline-starved nation as soon as they enter the South American country's exclusive economic zone, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino said.
News ID: 46177    Publish Date : 2020/05/21

TEHRAN, November 13 -Yemen’s Houthi rebel government has threatened to sink Saudi coalition warships and oil tankers unless Riyadh lifts its blockade which threatens the lives of millions in the war-torn country.
News ID: 15722    Publish Date : 2017/11/13