Gharavian: Elite will propel "silent majority"

Young journalists club

News ID: 1127
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:48 - 19 May 2013
Tehran, YJC. Mohsen Gharavian says that when the elite speak, they are followed by a group of supporters.

Hojjatoleslam Mohsen Gharavian, faculty member of the Al-Mustafa al-Alamia Society, provided comments on the impact of the elite on society "In fact they are individuals, too, but when they say something they are followed by a crowd; the majority stepping in their footsteps.”

He added "In socio-political affairs such as elections, too, people must resort to the elite when they do not know something or they would like to know the characteristics of the fittest. Usually it is so that although the elite are single individuals, they are followed by the majority.”

"Therefore what the elite and illumined say is of much impact in society. In sociology as well there is the theory of elitism. They say it is always the society’s elite who govern the people,” Gharavian, an instructor at the Qom Hawza as well, asserted.


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