Lawmaker: With Qalibaf things will grow better

Young journalists club

News ID: 1184
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:45 - 25 May 2013
Tehran, YJC. Qazipour has said that with Qalibaf as President, the economy will develop.

In an interview with Zendegi, Nader Qazipour said "Programs offered by Qalibaf on different sections indicate his exhaustive knowledge of the problems of the country and his ability to solve them.”

The Lawmaker believed that in order to come out of current problems, a competent person is needed who would know problems and be able to solve them.

The member of Industries and Mines Committee of the Majlis said that utter adherence to the Guardian Jurist will be the main condition for the President-to-be, adding "It has been proven by experience that opposition to the Leader’s ideas and suggestions will derail the country from its true course. That is something the future President must pay attention to.”

He asserted that having programs for the administration of the country is the key to success for any administration and added "Fortunately, among the presidency candidates one like the Mayor of Tehran has stepped on the scene with well-defined programs. This shows his comprehensive knowledge in management.”

Qazipour added that Qalibaf’s ability to attend devotedly to work and avoid side issues has proven that by relegating the affairs of the country to such individuals, problems will lessen and things will grow more favorable.

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