Open House of Cinema :president

Young journalists club

News ID: 1476
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:05 - 26 June 2013
Tehran, YJC. Sources say that a letter has been found in which Ahmadinejad orders the reopening of the House of Cinema.

As new challenges arise on the House of Cinema issue every day, a news agency says that it has found access to a letter allegedly belonging to the President’s Chief of Staff which emphasizes the President’s assertion to reopen the House of Cinema.

ISNA reports that in this letter the President addresses the Ministry of Culture’s Deputy in Cinematic Affairs Javad Shamaqdari "Mr. Shamaqdari, why is the issue handled with so much restriction and narrow-mindedness. A union must be free to do its job. The majority of the members of the House of Cinema are devoted to the country as well as divine and human values. Let not personal and group inclinations and prejudices be introduced in the name of the Revolution or, God forbidding, implemented by organizational power. Resolve the problem as soon as possible and report the result.”

The President’s order comes at a time when no more than a month remains to the end of the Ahmadinejad administration and he has made no tangible move for reopening the cultural organization.

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