Zarif, Lavrov discuss Russian veto of anti-Iran resolution in UNSC

Young journalists club

News ID: 20065
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:17 - 02 March 2018
TEHRAN, March 2 - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov discussed Russian veto on an anti-Iranian resolution over Yemen in the UN Security Council.

Zarif, Lavrov discuss Russian veto of anti-Iran resolution in UNSCTEHRAN,Young Journalists Club(YJC) - Russia on Monday vetoed a resolution at the UN Security Council, presented by Britain and strongly backed by the United States, that called for "additional measures" against Iran over accusations that it violated the 2015 arms embargo on the war-torn Arabian Peninsula state.

The draft resolution gained 11 favorable votes at the 15-member Security Council but was blocked by Russia's veto.

China and Kazakhstan abstained, while Bolivia also voted against the measure.

During the phone call, Zarif and Lavrov also discussed bilateral ties, Caspian Sea and regional issues.

iran ، russia ، unsc ، yemen
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