Saudi king establishes anti-corruption prosecution units

Young journalists club

News ID: 20408
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 18:49 - 11 March 2018
TEHRAN, March 11 - Saudi Arabia's king has established special anti-corruption units of prosecutors to pursue embezzlement cases in the kingdom after a recent crackdown.

Saudi king establishes anti-corruption prosecution unitsTEHRAN,Young Journalists Club (YJC) - King Salman's decision was announced Sunday in a report on the state-run Saudi Press Agency.

The report said the king's decision came from "his concern over combating corruption in all its forms aiming to protect the homeland and its resources, maintain public money and protect the integrity of the public employment."

The decision comes after Saudi Arabia arrested dozens of princes, business leaders and government officials in early November in a push led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Authorities say the arrests netted more than $106 billion in exchange for the release most of the detainees.

Critics say the arrests were more to consolidate Crown Prince Mohammed's power.

Source: AP

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