Fired ex-FBI 2nd man McCabe gave 'Russiagate' investigator Mueller his memos on Trump – report

Young journalists club

News ID: 20737
Publish Date: 10:07 - 18 March 2018
TEHRAN, March 18 -Andrew McCabe, the freshly-fired ex-FBI deputy director, reportedly kept track of his interactions with US President Donald Trump and handed over his notes to "Russia collusion" probe chief FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Fired ex-FBI 2nd man McCabe gave 'Russiagate' investigator Mueller his memos on Trump – reportTEHRAN,Young Journalists Club (YJC) -Andrew McCabe, the freshly-fired ex-FBI deputy director, reportedly kept track of his interactions with US President Donald Trump and handed over his notes to "Russia collusion" probe chief FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

McCabe's alleged accounts of his personal meetings with Trump are believed to be similar in nature to what former FBI Director James Comey admitted to leaking to the media through a friend last May. Comey's notes prompted the start of Robert Mueller's investigation into the "Trump-Russia" collusion that Trump's opponents are pinning their impeachment hopes on.

CNN, citing a person with the knowledge of the matter, reported that McCabe not only submitted his notes to the office of the special counsel, but he has already been interviewed by Mueller's team. It’s not clear when the interview took place, however.

Axios reported that the focus of McCabe’s reported interview with Mueller was Comey’s firing. The notes he turned over purport to corroborate the former FBI head’s leaked memos.

While the exact contents of McCabe's memos have not been revealed, AP reported that they might provide evidence to support McCabe’s claims that he fell victim to the “administration’s ongoing war on the FBI and the efforts of the special counsel investigation.”

In his own memo, Comey claimed Trump had urged him to drop the probe into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who was fired for providing an incomplete account of his contacts with former Russian Ambassador to US Sergey Kislyak to Vice President Mike Pence. Trump, Comey wrote, told him to “let go” of the investigation, a claim that he later repeated during his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee in June. Comey also alleged that Trump complained to him about the “cloud” of the Russia probe that hangs over his presidency and asked him for his thoughts on what could be done to possibly “lift” it.


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