Egypt's former top auditor to face military trial

Young journalists club

News ID: 21636
Publish Date: 17:39 - 12 April 2018
TEHRAN, April 12 - Egyptian state media say military prosecutors have referred the country's former top auditor to a military court over statements deemed insulting to the armed forces.

Egypt's former top auditor to face military trialTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Following the Thursday report on MENA, defense lawyer Ali Taha said on Facebook that Hesham Genena will stand trial on Apr 16.

Genena was arrested in February after claiming on television that former military chief of staff Sami Annan, who he was advising in a presidential bid, was in possession of documents incriminating the country's leadership.

The military had arrested Annan after he announced his candidacy for last month's election, easily won by incumbent President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi after all serious challengers were arrested or dropped out under pressure.

Genena was dismissed in 2016 after saying that government corruption had cost the country billions of dollars.

Source: AP


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