Lawmaker: Whenever the Iranian nation put faith in superpowers, God turned away from them

Young journalists club

News ID: 2223
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 13:25 - 24 September 2013
Tehran, YJC. Lawmaker says that Iran would better put faith in God than in superpowers.
Speaking in a Holy Defense Week book launch party, Tehran representative to the Majlis Rouhollah Hosseinian said "In the world of politics today, those who fondly wait for the US green light must know that they must first seek recourse in God and ask him for help. If all the powers of the world gather around and God does not allow, nothing will happen. Our nation, whenever it put faith in God it won. Whenever it had an eye to superpowers, God turned his eyes from it.”

"Only God can help us today. You saw Syria. The US put what it had to attack the country, but God did not will it and it did not happen. In fact God gave the believers the tools which the enemies had made to extinguish them.”

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