US C-130 military cargo plane crashes in Georgia causing fire

Young journalists club

News ID: 22420
Publish Date: 21:54 - 02 May 2018
TEHRAN, May 2 - An American C-130 military cargo plane has crashed in Savannah in Georgia near the airport, causing fire and huge plumes of black smoke.

US C-130 military cargo plane crashes in Georgia causing fireTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) –The crash occurred near the intersection of Highway 21 and Crossgate Roanear the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport on Wednesday, and emergency services were on the scene.

It is not clear yet how many people were on board and if there are any injuries or deaths, the Savannah Fire Department said.

Roads surrounding the crash scene have been closed and the public is advised to stay away from the area as large plumes of smoke could be seen rising from the crashed plane.

"It was horrible," said Denver Goodwin, who works at a wrecker service down the street from the crash. "The ground shook like a bomb was going off. All the people in the building started panicking. It was absolutely horrible."

Source: Press TV

plane ، cargo ، fire
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