Support for Trump among union members plunges 15 points: Poll

Young journalists club

News ID: 22471
Publish Date: 20:43 - 04 May 2018
TEHRAN, May 4 - US President Donald Trump’s support among the country's union workers has dropped 15 points in just a year, a new poll reveals.

Support for Trump among union members plunges 15 points: PollTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) – According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll published on Friday, in the same poll last month Trump enjoyed 60 percent support among union workers.

However the number has dropped steadily nearly every month since then, according to a report by Reuters, despite his pursuit of trade tariffs that labor unions have traditionally supported.

The poll also reveals that Trump's support among union workers is now at 47 percent, down from its all-time high of 62 percent.

According to Reuters, Trump tended to win union supporters in areas where union workers make up a smaller percentage of the overall workforce, such as the southwest and the Carolinas.

Trump has recently stressed the need for Republicans to maintain their majority in the House of Representatives in the upcoming midterm elections; otherwise he would face impeachment from Democrats.

A number of House Democrats have already pushed for Trump’s removal from office on grounds that he has committed crimes by obstructing justice in his efforts to shut down the Russia investigation.

Others are trying to invoke the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution, a potential path to impeachment that requires a majority of Trump’s cabinet to determine that the president is physically or mentally unfit for the job.

In more than two dozen interviews with union members, many blasted Trump’s tax cut, arguing most of the benefits will flow to corporations and wealthy people.

The online Reuters/Ipsos poll included more than 1,400 union members, and has a margin of error of 3-4 percentage points for union member questions.

Source: Press TV

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