Mystery figure targets anti-war pundits and politicians by prolifically editing Wikipedia

Young journalists club

News ID: 22927
Publish Date: 22:24 - 14 May 2018
TEHRAN, May 14 - A mystery online figure called Philip Cross is targeting anti-war and non-mainstream UK figures by prolifically editing their Wikipedia pages – to the point that George Galloway is offering a reward to see him unmasked.

Mystery figure targets anti-war pundits and politicians by prolifically editing WikipediaTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) – Active on Wikipedia since 2004, Philip Cross has been editing wiki entries for nearly 15 years. Recently, trouble has been brewing online, with Cross accused of paying special attention to a cluster of Wikipedia accounts, editing them or deleting chunks of information.

Pundits like Galloway, academic Tim Hayward, opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn, and ex-UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray have fallen in the crosshairs of the editorial mystery man (or perhaps woman) who goes by the name of Philip Cross – and many of them are growing frustrated with the lack of action from Wikipedia to prevent malicious editing.

Source: Press TV

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