Trump unloads on 'indignant' Trudeau for 'killing' US agriculture

Young journalists club

News ID: 24055
Publish Date: 11:09 - 08 June 2018
TEHRAN, June 08 - US President Donald Trump has gone on a Twitter offensive against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for mentioning the two countries' long-time alliance. Trudeau recently said Washington's new import tariffs were "insulting."
TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - US President Donald Trump has gone on a Twitter offensive against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for mentioning the two countries' long-time alliance. Trudeau recently said Washington's new import tariffs were "insulting."

In a furious tweet, Trump called Trudeau "indignant" for bringing up the relationship between the US and Canada. That relationship, Trump said, includes dairy prices that hurt American agriculture.

Both Trudeau and Trump are preparing for the upcoming G7 summit in Quebec, Canada, which is likely to be abuzz with talks on how to cope with the new international trade landscape after Trump slapped new steel and aluminum import tariffs on Washington's European allies and Canada. Earlier, Trudeau said those tariffs were "insulting" to the special relationship between his country and the US, appealing to Trump to remember how "interconnected" and "interdependent" they are.

Trump has been unrelenting since the tariffs were first announced in March, and he is now catching flak from some of his closest allies. French President Emmanuel Macron, who was in a syrupy "bromance" with Trump mere weeks ago, has now gone as far as suggesting that G7 might be better off as G6, minus the US. UK Prime Minister Theresa May reportedly won't even meet with Trump at the Quebec summit, despite having scheduled bilaterals with every other leader.

Trump says his unrelenting tariff drive is a mere push to even out the trade. "The EU trade surplus with the US is $151 Billion, and Canada keeps our farmers and others out," he tweeted. He is still looking forward to meeting his supposedly unscrupulous trade partners in Quebec, though.

Source: RT

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