Taiwan votes in test for pro-independence ruling party as China watches

Young journalists club

News ID: 31903
Publish Date: 12:39 - 24 November 2018
TEHRAN, November 24 -Taiwan began voting on Saturday in local elections, a key test of support for the island’s pro-independence ruling party ahead of presidential polls in just over a year, and will also hold a referendum on same-sex marriage.

Taiwan votes in test for pro-independence ruling party as China watchesTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -Taiwan began voting on Saturday in local elections, a key test of support for the island’s pro-independence ruling party ahead of presidential polls in just over a year, and will also hold a referendum on same-sex marriage. 

The results will be closely watched in China, which claims self-ruled and proudly democratic Taiwan as its own and which has ramped up pressure on President Tsai Ing-wen and her administration since taking office in 2016.

In the run-up to the election, Tsai and her government have repeatedly said China is attempting to sway election results with its “political bullying” and “fake news”, accusations Beijing denies.

“It’s nice weather today, I hope everyone votes,” Tsai told Taiwan media as she cast her vote in the capital Taipei.

More than 11,000 seats are up for grabs in municipalities, counties, townships and villages, with the southern city of Kaohsiung a key battleground for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which has held the city for two decades.

Polling stations reported long lines of people waiting to vote. Clear, warm weather in Taipei, after a rainy few days in the run-up to the vote, could bolster turn out.

Candidates have fanned out across the island to press the flesh and canvass votes, and have held noisy, colorful rallies that have become the hallmarks of Taiwan’s vibrant democracy, in marked contrast to China where the Communist Party tolerates no dissent to its rule.

Source: Reuters

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