Lawmaker: Saudi Arabia involved in Yemen Iranian diplomat assassination

Young journalists club

News ID: 3293
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 14:07 - 25 January 2014
Tehran, YJC. Boroujerdi says Saudi Arabia is responsible for the crimes of Takfiri groups.

The Head of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Iranian Majlis has said that Saudi Arabia is sure to be the source for crimes done by Takfiri groups.

"There is no one in the world today who does not know this. As long as Saudi Arabia does not change its faulty policy I do not think that the Middle East will see a day’s peace,” asserted Alaeddin Boroujerdi, speaking at the funeral of the assassinated Iranian diplomat Abolqasem Assadi.

Providing comments on how Iran will pursue the assassination of its diplomats, the lawmaker said "Regarding that we have previously held session and we will be holding more in the future, I think that now that it is the budget season we must allocate a good sum to improving the protection of embassies and diplomats.”

Asked if Iran is going to file a suit in regard to the assassinations, Boroujerdi stated "As a report says the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also dispatched a team as well as holding deliberate talks with the Yemeni government. The government of Yemen has to take responsibility and explain this incident for it goes against all international regulations.”

He further added "The Minister of Foreign Affairs attended a National Security Committee session. We will continue the sessions and there are talks with our ambassador to Lebanon to pursue the case.”

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