Iranian President to leave Iran for Turkey

Young journalists club

News ID: 32992
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:38 - 18 December 2018
TEHRAN, December 18 - Iran’s president will take a visit to Turkey’s Ankara to attend the fifth session of Iran-Turkey Strategic Relation Supreme Council.

Iranian President to leave Iran for Turkey

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The visit takes place on the official invitation of the Turkish president Recep Teyyip Erdogan, Rouhani’s office announced.

Heading a high-ranking political and economic delegation, president Rouhani will take a two-day trip to Turkey on Wednesday, according to the office.

The idea of establishing the Strategic Relation Supreme Council of the two countries was the result of Dr. Rouhani's first visit to Turkey, according to which the presidents of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey planed a $ 30 billion trade ties.

In the visit, significant political, cultural, and economic documents will be signed.

iran ، turkey ، rouhani ، trip
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