Trump's claims of Iran seeking talks 'false dreams': Ministry

Young journalists club

News ID: 33822
Publish Date: 23:11 - 07 January 2019
TEHRAN, Jan 7 -Iran has categorically dismissed Donald Trump's new claims that Tehran is after talks with Washington, saying the US president is only giving voice to his "false and unattainable dreams."

Trump's claims of Iran seeking talks 'false dreams': MinistryTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Monday that Trump's "dreams have nothing to do with the existing realities" after the US president said Iran wanted to hold talks with America.

“They (Iran) are not doing well. They want to talk (with US),” Trump told reporters at the White House on Sunday, claiming that the Iranian economy was badly hit due to his sanctions.

"He knows that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been facing and is familiar with American pressures and sanction policies for decades," Qassemi said. 

Last year, Trump withdrew the US from an international nuclear deal with Iran and imposed sanctions on the country. As part of building pressure, he has asked other countries to bring down their purchase of Iranian oil to zero. 

Qassemi said Trump "should know that the Iranian nation will never bow to US pressures, least of all to the rulers who choose sanctions over respect and walls over bridges."

"Throughout their turbulent but proud history, Iranians have learned how to resist expansionists and bullies and defeat those hostile to Iran," he added. 

Senior Iranian officials have already rejected Trump’s offer of talks without preconditions, saying his words contradicted his action of reimposing sanctions on Tehran.

President Hassan Rouhani has said Trump’s repudiation of the 2015 nuclear deal was “illegal” and Iran would not easily yield to Washington’s renewed campaign to strangle its oil exports.

Last May, Trump pulled the United States out of the multilateral deal concluded before he took office, later saying that he would be willing to meet Rouhani to discuss how to improve relations.

His White House, however, has said that the call for negotiation did not mean the United States would lift sanctions or re-establish diplomatic and commercial relations. 

US officials have also launched repeated volleys of rhetorical assault on Iran -- with Trump himself calling the country a "terrorist nation" -- and promised unspecified backing for groups with a history of terrorism, such as the MKO. 

Qassemi on Monday said Trump echoed “the same excessive demands and ambitions of medieval and archaic powers.”

The spokesman noted, "As always, being ignorant of the history of developments in recent decades and without reviewing the utterly false policies of his predecessors on the region and Iran, Trump has once again made irrational statements out of spite against the people of this ancient land.”  

On Thursday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Washington’s tough sanctions against the Islamic Republic were aimed at giving the Iranian people a chance to have better lives.

Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani told a security conference in Tehran Monday that the US was not trustworthy and dismissed claims of Iranian request for negotiations. 

"Iran has not sent any signal or message for negotiations with the US and the Americans have proven that they are not reliable. The history of negotiations also confirms this," he said.

"Another issue is that it is the Americans - and not the Islamic Republic of Iran - who send messages and announce through their couriers that they are ready for negotiations with Iran," he added.

Source: Press TV

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