Iran press review

Young journalists club

News ID: 3429
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:29 - 08 February 2014
Tehran, YJC. Headlines of the most important news stories in Iran’s journals today.

Tehran Emrooz

-          IRIB under pressure

-          Unending chain of US sanctions against Iran


-          US Jewish lobby against more sanctions on Iran


-          UNICEF calls for support for Syrian children


-          Ayatollah Jannati: US table turned creaky

Jame Jam

-          24 Iranian TV channels back on Intelsat


-          SIS seeking sectarian conflict in ME

    - 202 MPs urge Foreign Ministry to give decisive answer to US 

Tehran Times

- Iran says is ready to answer all IAEAˈs questions 

Iran Daily

- Intˈl investment exhibition underway in Kish 

Kayhan International 

- Foreign ministry must give decisive answer 


- Iran to unveil oil contracts soon 

iran ، press ، reivew
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