Trump accidently says religious Americans 'abolished civil rights'

Young journalists club

News ID: 35217
Publish Date: 21:34 - 08 February 2019
TEHRAN, Feb 08 - US President Donald Trump has accidentally told a meeting of global religious leaders in Washington that America’s greatest accomplishments include the “abolition of civil rights.”

Trump accidently says religious Americans 'abolished civil rights'TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Trump made the comments at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, where speakers addressed the level of division in the US and what one described as a “fracturing of the American family.”

“Since the founding of our nation, many of our greatest strides, from gaining our independence to abolition of civil rights, to extending the vote for women, have been led by people of faith and started in prayer,” the president said.

The annual gathering brought together members of the president’s cabinet and members of congress, including Democratic House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Gary Haugen, the former president of International Justice Mission, spoke about a “fracturing of the American family” and described a “swelling anxiety of national disintegration.”

“For our American family, I do sense that we are in a national moment of perilously mounting discouragement,” he said. “Our tribal divisions, our institutional dysfunctions, our desperate winner-take-all contests of cultural resistance or survival, they seem to be pressing in our chests with a swelling anxiety of national disintegration.”

He also warned about the need for reforming the US criminal justice system and combating the opioid epidemic in the country.

Source: Press TV

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