US, clients in decline; opposite front on the rise: Iran

Young journalists club

News ID: 36181
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:07 - 03 March 2019
TEHRAN, Mar 03 - A senior Iranian security official says America and its client states in the Middle East are on the decline and that the group of countries seeking stability in the region has gained the upper hand.

US, clients in decline; opposite front on the rise: IranTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - The supremacy of the front seeking and building stability against the front creating terrorists and sponsoring instability is indicative of the fact that US policies are on the road to failure,” Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, said on Sunday.

Shamkhani said the US — along with its Western partners and reactionary regimes in the region — employed terrorist elements and mercenaries to uproot Islamic resistance, but the perseverance of the Syrian army, Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha’abi, Yemen’s Ansarullah movement and allied forces proved that “the paper-mâché of American power can collapse with the touch of a finger.”

He said US President Donald Trump and even “his lackeys” complacently humiliate Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates by saying those states would not last long without America.

Shamkhani said Iran’s prediction was that US allies in the region would face an uprising by their “humiliated citizens” if those governments continued to rely on America for protection.

The Iranian official also referred to Trump’s failure to forge an anti-Iran alliance during a recent anti-Iran meeting in Warsaw and the gaping rift among Arab countries as examples of Washington's defeat.

Source: Presstv

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