Dialogue Among Civilizations a deception: scholar

Young journalists club

News ID: 369
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:32 - 05 March 2013
TEHRAN, YJC. A faculty member of the Center for Humanities and Cultural Studies Research has said the West do not believe in life outside of their civilization.

"Islamic societies are and the West’s civil horizon. Their long-term planning is in the Western civilization trajectory. Their architecture, arts, economy, and all their humanities fall in this trajectory. In building civilizations you need not construct all of these and then build the civilization, the civilization itself takes you to these things, as much as you head back civilization settles,” Mousa Najafi told Tasnim.

"But, considering historical fissures of Islamic societies with their past civilizations I must say there are various factors that can be put in a nutshell as: cultural invasion, identity crisis, lack of native humanities, Westernized humanities, the prevalence of technology on everything, the prevalence of humanism and other Western isms in all thought spheres. Pay attention that in the cultural system, when one of these comes in, it brings with it an array of these phenomena,” he added.

Najafi asserted "The Dialogue Among Civilizations was a deception. They believe in dialogue between a dead past civilization and a living one. The outcome is clear, else it would not fit into their ideology if there is another living civilization beside theirs. It is as if we say we are Muslims and we believe in the prophet of Islam as the last prophet, and at the same time we out and say we as well believe that a prophet well come after him. They basically do not believe that life exists outside of their civilization. They believe that what is outside their civilization is dead and it must join theirs if it must come to life. Even in this Dialogue Among Civilizations if a civilization wants to exist it must fade into the substrata of the Western civilization.”

He also said "In Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations as well the argument revolves around cultural gaps; that is, where cultural gaps are other than the West’s _ like in Iran and China. But again Huntington says finally that the Western civilization will triumph. He says the last civilization to emerge alive from the clash is the Western one.”

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