Leader pardons, commutes sentences of large number of prisoners

Young journalists club

News ID: 37513
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 22:19 - 06 April 2019
TEHRAN, Apr 06 -Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has agreed to pardon or commute the sentences of a large number of Iranian prisoners.

Leader pardons, commutes sentences of large number of prisonersTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Ayatollah Khamenei on Saturday agreed to a request by Iran's Judiciary Chief Hojjatoleslam Ebrahim Raeisi to pardon or reduce the sentences of 1,117 eligible inmates.

Those granted “Islamic clemency” through the Leader's approval had been convicted at the country’s court of common pleas and Islamic Revolution tribunals, the Judicial Organization of the Armed Forces, and the State Discretionary Punishment Organization.

Ayatollah Khamenei issued the approval on the occasion of Eid al-Mab'ath and the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Republic referendum.

The 27th day of the lunar Islamic month of Rajab marks the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Mab'ath, the anniversary of the divine revelation to the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) to declare his Prophethood.

April 1 marks a historic referendum in which Iranians overwhelmingly voted for the establishment of an Islamic Republic following the overthrow of the monarchy of the US-backed Pahlavi regime.

In the two-day referendum held on March 30-31, 1979, more than 98.2 percent of eligible Iranians voted “yes” to the establishment of an Islamic Republic in the country.

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